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Головна » Статті » Нерухомість в Україні

Sale of investment commercial real estate in Lviv region Yavorov.
Real estate investment. Sale of investment commercial real estate in Lviv region Yavorov. Attractive investment offer. Sale of a property complex in Yavorov, Lviv region I will sell the land plot with industrial storage, household and basement and office premises in Lviv region Yavorov. The sale price is contractual, which makes this property an attractive investment project. Buildings and premises are ideally suited for woodworking. (A room for storing and drying wood, premises for the installation of equipment, warehouse, household, basement and office premises, premises for a company shop or exhibition trading room). Buildings are also ideal for a variety of industries and industries. (Ideal for food, clothing, woodworking and furniture manufacturing, metalworking, other areas). The height of the premises is 4.0m. and 5.5m. Crane beam 2t. The complex of buildings is completely fenced, provided with convenient access roads, engineering communications, located on the main street of Yavorov. The buildings of this complex are exempt from equipment. Buildings require internal work and reconstruction according to the wishes of the Buyer. The integral production and warehouse complex includes: 1. The land plot is 7563.00 sq.m. 2. The total area of ​​production, warehouse, office, household and basement facilities is 2800.00 sq.m. 3. The complex (buildings and land) is privately owned. Favorable location: Distance to customs crossings and cities: - customs crossing "Krakovets" - 15 km; - Customs crossing in Rawa-Russian - 34 km; - customs crossing "Grushev" - 5 km; - Lviv - 50 km; - Yaroslav (Poland) - 55 km; - the city of Zamosc (Poland) - 92 km; Video presentation of the complex: https://youtu.be/-8BKC5jYWRs Description (photo and video) at: http://lvivinvest.business.site

Джерело: https://youtu.be/-8BKC5jYWRs
Категорія: Нерухомість в Україні | Додав: ukrlvivinvest (02.10.2019) | Автор: Vladimir
Переглядів: 241 | Теги: Sale of investment commercial real , Real estate investment, commercial real estate in Lviv regi

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